Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I support your wildness. Your spirit is out of this world.
I see it flying around overhead,  like a rockstar.
Your face is on billboards and I know you're living the dream.
I see your pocket full of cash and the way you seduce your riches, like they are your sex slave.
Your dirty little hands washed clean of desire, as you generously give. You give what you
could never have; happiness.
I see your strength growing. I believe in you, as you explore your depths and your soul.
It will come to you because you're in pursuit of it, like a stealth.
You can be like the shark, who is endangered and beautifully fierce and powerful that everyone
wants you, and everyone fears you for no reason. I will still love you no matter how ruined you are.
Because I have faith you will rise up, time and time again.
No one can cage your soul.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Mon coeur est malade. 
Je pense que c'est juste pour le jours... ou juste pour le momente. 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dear Universe

I am seeking an honest agent who can help me to market my talents and my skills.
I am also seeking a business mentor who can help me grow my business and guide me to success. 
Will trade my time.
Please help me.

Thank you kindly.
With love,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

You are beautiful.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Can you rise above it?
All signs point to stress.
The road ahead looks grim.
Your heart is unhappy.
Your mind has worn thin.
It's time, it's time, it's time.
Let's make a new road.
I wouldn't want to keep walking down this one.
It was fun while it lasted.
And like a really unhealthy, teenage love affair...
I am breaking up with the dream here.
I am moving on to bigger and better things.
But regardless anyway, I know I will be happy.
And when I look back, it will still be good memories.
Because I can forgive.. but I will never forget. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

i love my tablet

Soul Searcher


Shut up. No.

Maximum Balloon Groove Me Contest entry




Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What happens in Bantayan stays in Bantayan

I woke up to the roosters at 5am. Saturday morning. My heart skipped a beat and I was prepared to rise at their call. Today I would be heading to Bantayan Island on the north tip of the province of Cebu with a group of co-workers. It would be my first vacation since Thailand and Dengue and my first getaway since I went back to work. It had been a particularly stressful week and all I could think of was how nice it would be to get away, be part of nature, enjoy the sun and have fun. The van driving up to Hagnayan would take us from Mactan Island to the ferry in just 4 hours. I didn't want to miss that van at 6am, so I woke up Ky, got up, packed my bag and we headed off to join the gang.

There was a cool breeze that morning and I knew it was going to be a beautiful day. I looked around at everyone with sleepy, excited eyes. There were ten of us, tired but ready to enjoy whatever was to come. The group of us piled into the van and after picking up two stragglers, we were off on an adventure.

One portable iPod boom box pumping out tunes, mouthfuls of brownies and an hour later we were cruising past recognizable terrain and heading directly into the unknown. How beautiful the drive was, with rolling hills, blue skies, green trees that seemed to stretch out into the sky and span across the entire land. It was nice to finally be out of the city.

We stopped at a cute little market to get fruit, bread and snacks somewhere between the lush rows of palm and the curves of the mountainside. On-lookers stared as a group of foreigners passed through nonchalantly through their barangay. We bought banana-cue, apples, mangoes and a bag of fruits which resemble mangosteens on the inside. Then we were off again.

When we arrived at the pier, there were locals waiting to give us schedules, van pick-ups, etc. I really needed to pee, so I went to the C.R. (comfort room) and paid 2pesos for entry. Next time make sure you bring your own toilet paper. The group was getting ready to board the boat. We took the LCT ferry for about 140pesos. The aroma of familiar barbecue filled the air as we each purchased our ticket and excitedly got on board. Finally! The feeling of the boat leaving port to fill our hair with sea breeze and leave us staring at nothing but blue skies and ocean. What a dream.

 the middle of the ocean, leaving hagnaya to santa fe.

We were all restless and sleepy as the boat had no air-conditioning and few of us had really slept the night before. We sat together on benches with a fan behind us, our heads lolling to the sides and our bodies slumped against each other. I guess an hour can feel like a long time when you're waiting for a piece of island paradise. The moment we reached the port of Santa Fe, all of us poured out of the boat and walked along the pier to see where we had landed. Locals tried to get us to take their trikes or their vans to different beach resorts, but there was a different plan  brewing. Motorbikes! There were enough of us to double up and seek our own freedom. And freedom it was!
The motorbikes were 400pesos for a day. Some of us were only staying one night, so we went with it. Eagerly we climbed aboard, a few struggled a little with the start of it, but after a few moments were off! A few locals offered to bike around with us to be our guide, but we just wanted to find places on our own.
First stop: petrol. We made it to a little store not too far from the pier that sold liters of petrol in empty coca-cola bottles. You sure wouldn't want to drink those! The brightly coloured gas was emptied into each one of our tanks before we decided the next place to go. Would it be Kota Beach? Sugar Beach? Somewhere? All I knew was that the weather was perfect. One of us had in mind to take a banca boat to Virgin Island. Others just wanted to swim, and the rest of us didn't care either way. We were happy. We were free. Oh, except for one of us who managed to crash their motorbike with a lady on the back of it. Thankfully no one was hurt, but that poor girl did NOT want to get on the back of that bike again... so instead we asked for another driver. Oh well... I guess freedom for most of us then..... MORE TO COME. STAY TUNED.

Friday, September 3, 2010

soul charging

It's time to get away and replenish my mind and soul.
I did not take this picture, but I certainly will take some like it when I get there.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wizard of Oz Lovers

Arcylic on Stretched Canvas
6 ft x 3 ft

Arcylic on Stretched Canvas
6 ft x 3 ft

These were two of my favourite Wizard of Oz characters from the Patchwork Girl of Oz. 

Changing of Season 2009

Cut 'em down, raise 'em up
Acrylic on canvas

A piece about change.

Discover Palawan

I wanted to share this blog about Palawan with you. For those of you who have never traveled to the Philippines and would like to discover something amazing, you should check this out.

It is amazing. My two girl friends went on this adventure and came back with endless photos and memories to last them a lifetime.

Here it is, Discover Palawan with 2 girls: http://discoverpalawan.posterous.com/

lasting impressions

can you feel it raining inside?
no matter how warm and sunny it is outside, it is cold in here. I am surrounded by four walls and my own imagination. The world here changes and is run off of gossip which I try to avoid... but sadly I can not. I am more upbeat to following my dreams and I feel high from sailing through the storm. I realize I can not avoid art. That is who I am. I am an artist. I am also everything else in between. I am 25, and I am also a 2 year old. I am not anything older than what my soul is. Frantically we try to all be something. I do too. I know it is futile because what I want is also something I fear to become. I want to be successful, but I must fight not to become a wealthy, cranky, ill-spirited story of success. I want to be bright-eyed and happy and kind and full of stories to tell my grandchildren.. to inspire them to try anything they want without fear. I said I would leave here with more confidence and I said I would be less fearful. Truthfully, I will always have that scared, shy individual in me to keep me humble. To keep my head small and to force me to try continuously. I tell you each time I  hold that camera that I am that camera. I am the thing that captures moments. Because when I am old I will want to recreate those. I will want to be young and I will want to be every age again. We do nothing but want. I can live with that. That is how we stay in this moment... it is how we are. I think goats feel that way too. I think when I give them an apple core, they want more too. Just because of how juicy and delicious it is. Especially on a hot, summer day. A hot, endless summer.