Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I am just a small drop in this ocean, but I am still precious.
Oh how we humans take so much for granted.
After 3 days of not eating and seeing nurses, doctors and the back of my eyelids
I was so happy to be away from airports and strangers and in the comfort of my bed.
And finally I could eat! A piece of barbecued chicken has never tasted so amazing.
The leaves and the grass have never looked so green. 
Everything smells so strong... not necessarily a good thing for bad smells or strong scents.
I can feel my heart beating, My dreams are vivid. I dream of people I haven't seen in years.
Is this what happens when you think you're going to die?
But I am alive! 
Even how weak I feel. Even though I can barely stand up in the shower..
Or hold myself up or turn without feeling dizzy and nauseous...
I can still breath! I am here! Thank goodness!
I am so lucky!
I need to hug so many people!
I said to myself.. better me that got Dengue Fever 
than someone who may not have been strong enough.
It is certainly life changing.
I have had many, many strangers help me on this trip
and so I am lucky to have been helped all the way through to make sure that I got home safe.
My angels were watching. 
They always are. 
Thank you. 
Thank you.
Thank you.

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