Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This is how you love

Inner turmoil, relentless waves and an open cage for a bird to fly away. In this case, hobbling with a slightly broken wing needing a moment to heal before taking flight into the vast open sky.
The cage is golden, shining with the colour of the sunset and twinkling like the stars in the night. Soft cushions and all good things seem to seep from the hinges and crevices, but the chains were bound fast within the mind.
Crushing hearts could be heard across the sky for the little bird was breaking.
Why leave a good thing.
Resentment rides high breaking spirits, breaking souls. Time and time again.
The sky is a big place and quite lonely.
The ground is comforting. Perhaps there is a happy medium.
It has opened it's cage doors to bring in the wind and whirl around the stars, shaping them like roses to say...
"I love you. Be free."

Monday, March 14, 2011


It's like I'm a mad hatter, wearing multiple caps but art's all the same whether I'm shooting this or painting that. I do it cuz I love it, not to sound cheesy, but I gotta stay creative and what I love keeps me busy. I'm a visual person with a mess of a mind, I'll make art til I die cuz it's what keeps me alive.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

without art

I would be dead. Nothing. I would have killed myself for real if I didn't have pages to pour my heart out onto or paint to smear my feelings with. Everything that comes out of my mind is transmuted into some form of tangible, visual, audible thing. And this happens so that I don't explode.

Friday, March 11, 2011

regardless, I love you.

I have the luck of having two mothers. Both of which pretend to like each other. One mother is by birth and the other by... selection or, if you want to call it, fate. The latter is in paperwork though still by blood; my auntie, whom I have struggled to co-exist with in the same house, let alone the same planet. I used to think it was my fault. It's not anyone's fault. Due to past traumas and psychological experiences, she treats me... well.. differently. I refuse to be negative about this situation and I won't indulge personal information on this world wide web, but I will say that I want the ripple affect to stop now. With me. I refuse to pass on this treatment and I refuse to have children until I can safely say that I am strong enough to overcome the past traumas she has brought me, so that I may only show my children love, respect and fairness.

When you tip-toe around someone and try not to crush eggshells, it can be tiring. I am never myself. Don't show too much happiness. Don't be too sad. Do NOT cry. Do not ask for anything. Do not be a real family member. Do not speak. Do not do anything without asking first. Do not live with her. Do not hug her. Do not show her love. It seems exaggerated and ridiculous, but it is truth. Rationalizing with her never helps and the best thing is to suck it up and agree with her. With everyone else, she is fine. With me.. well, I told you already, it's different.

Our relationship teaches me a lot about who I am, who I would like to be and how I should treat others. If anything, this is the reason I accept her just as she was then and just as she is now. In my perfect world I would take away her anger and her hurt and her suffering and I would change the things that happened to her in order for her to be happy. But then I wouldn't be who I am now. Strange isn't it? To suffer and then to reap the benefits of someone else's suffering in order to build up to become a stronger, kinder person.

When I tell people this, I realize it's difficult for them to understand. Just tell her you love her. Just hug her. Just do something nice for her. I do. I have. I try. But realistically, we have what we have and our relationship is as it is. You can not change someone. You can not change the past. You just dodge arrows, turn them into flowers and send them back if you can and most of all, accept it and still love them unconditionally.

Friday, March 4, 2011

A thought.

I like you and your insecurities just the way you are. Pretend you're unafraid while you're quivering from your heart deep into your knees. It makes you more beautiful. But I can see right through you, the way you see through me. We're more transparent then we seem.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I have been fiddling and diddling with Wordpress to create DreamLoveGrow's website
It has been quite the journey, but thankfully there are people like Extatix that really know their stuff. I'm posting this here so I can always find it, but for those of you that want to know how to change the font size of your pages, posts and more in Arras Wordpress theme... go here: Arras Support Change Font

My only advice is: use the user.css to put any changes you make into your site. It overrides the default and is easier to change than any of the .php files.

Ok, enough nerding out. I'm hungry.

TED sixth sense technology [ ]