Tuesday, August 31, 2010

from one of my favourite books...

"I'm not laughing." I was actually crying. "And please don't laugh at me now, but I think the reason it's so hard for me to get over this guy is because I seriously believed [he] was my soul mate."

"He probably was.  Your problem is you don't understand what that word means.  People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants.  But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that's holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.  A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake.  But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave. And thank God for it. 

Problem is, you can't accept that this relationship had a real short shelf life.  You're like a dog at the dump, baby-- you're just lickin' at an empty tin can, trying to get more nutrition out of it.  And if you're not careful, that can's gonna get stuck on your snout forever and make your life miserable. So drop it."

--Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love.

Friday, August 27, 2010

discovering peace with myself

Lotus In Samsara
32" x 8"
Acrylic on Canvas

The Voice of Buddha
8" x 32"
Acrylic on Canvas

Self Portraits

She Is The One You Love to Hate. It's A Love Hate Relationshop
2 separate pieces
16" x 16"
Spray paint and Acrylic

I painted these at my cottage 2008

The World Lays Heavy On My Mind
16" x 16"
Acrylic and Sharpie

Lady Of The Forest
16" x 16"
Acrylic and Sharpie on Canvas

New York and Paris

New York. Paris
2 Separate Canvases
each 16" x 16"

Love Letters

You Inspired Me To Paint Again
Love Letter Series 
1 of 3
Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 16"

I Had Forgotten How to Open My Heart
Love Letter Series 
2 of 3
Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 16"

This Is How You Let Go
Love Letter Series
3 of 3
Acrylic on Canvas
16" x 20"

I look up to them

Acrylic on Raw Canvas
6' x 3'

Mother Theresa
Acrylic on Raw Canvas
6' x 3'

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cardinal Signs and Seasons

Four Seasons
4 Separate 8" x 10" 
Acrylic on Canvas

Cardinal Elements
A cardinal sign is a sign that falls on dates that are transitioning from one season to another.
Earth. Air. Fire. Water.
4 Separate 16" x 20" 
Acrylic on Canvas

the feminine

Sarah and the Cygnet
2 separate pieces
Acrylic on Canvas

Women are like Air... '07 / '09

Cool Breeze
2 piece Acrylic on Canvas

Be Still. Breath Taken. Fresh Air.
3 separate 8"x10"
Acrylic on Canvas

You Can't Cage this Soul
3 piece acrylic on canvas
This is the story of my life

I made bird stencils out of paper and glued them to the painting

Joshua Tree at Sunset
Acrylic on Canvas

White Doves in the Dark
2 piece Acrylic on Canvas

There were moments I died

20" x 16"
Acrylic on Canvas

The Death of the Soul
2' x 1'
Acrylic on Wood

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I choose my own adventure with angels guiding my way through the dark.. like that little old lady that waited for me to reach her as I crossed the field at night. And then she shone the light on me from behind so I could see my way in front. How beautiful people are. Especially little old ladies.

Friday, August 20, 2010

A Few Commission Art Works

Alpha Psi Sigma
Created for Laura 
A sorority piece
4' x 2'
Acrylic on Canvas

Acrylic on Canvas
3' x 1'
created for Orchid

Aurora Borealis
Glows in the dark
Acrylic on Canvas
created for Tiffany in Halifax

2 Turtles
2 piece acrylic on canvas
created for Melanie 

Ottawa Sunset Over Rideau
8' x 6'
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
created for Pat and Chloe 

She Wants It.
16" x 16"
created for Brown
Acrylic on Canvas

Full Moon Baby
8" x 10"
Acrylic on Canvas
created for a lovely lady, who paid for it but never picked it up... 

Pen Drawings Sketched on an OC Transpo Bus 2009


These were made one day while I was sitting on an OC Transpo bus... inspired by the internet and Arizona.

Old Donations 2008

The End of Spring
Donated to an auction for a friend needing help paying for Kemo
(also used as an album cover for my cousins band)
16" x 20"
Acrylic on Canvas

 I Killed Kenny
Donated to an auction to help build schools in Africa
A real rose and Acrylic on Canvas
16" x 20"

Pencil Drawings Turned into Tattoos

The Lioness
For Danielle

The Geisha
Pencil Crayon
For Cory

The Art of War 2007

 Bang Bang
16" x 16" 
Acrylic and Marker on Canvas

 Give Me More
16" x 16"
Acrylic and Marker on Canvas

 Bring on the War
4 piece (8" x 10")
Acrylic and Marker on Canvas

These pieces were created for an Art Show at Babylon and Ladyfest. It is representative of today's society and the effects money has.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

what was that?

Did I just imagine that I was sad? 
When was that dream that I had?
I know it's normal and life has us move on
But I have moments of weakness where I just don't feel strong
I know it's not wrong
We have to be open to life and it's change
We need to remember what we learn as we age
I still can't help but to think of the past
And to wonder if I could have made those moments last
You really do need to take it all in
And accept everything as it is, the change is within
Every moment. Even how hard it may be.
Perhaps I should remain silent. 
Walk it out. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Graffiti on Phi Phi

Representing All Cities
Top of Banana Bar
Phi Phi Koh, Thailand

Tagging boxes in the Jungle
Spotted climbing to the View Point
Phi Phi Koh Island, Thailand

Outside the Papaya Restaurant and Rolling Stoned Bar
Mid-day lunch with John Hunt
Phi Phi Koh Island, Thailand

A late night wander through graf-filled alleyways
Phi Phi Koh Island, Thailand

Monday, August 16, 2010

This is what I wanted to see every morning '07

I was missing the Philippines
3 piece acrylic on canvas

sunset memories '06

Sunset On Bronson
A painting from a picture I took driving off the highway onto Bronson Rd. in Ottawa
Acrylic on Canvas
16" x 20"

Sunset in Gananoque
A painting from a picture I took when a few friends and I spent a weekend on her boat in Gananoque
Acyrlic on Canvas
16" x 20"

Mount Mayon
The largest active volcano in the Philippines
Acrylic on Canvas

Palm Tree at Sunset
From a poster I loved
Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 16"

my friends

Billy G and Steve
My goat friends I encounter on the way to work

Mactan, Philippines

Gordie and Ned
I saw them together one day as I passed by this busstop
Mactan, Philippines


When I first began painting again. '05 or '06? Not sure exactly.

Amarillo Desperado
Acrylic on Canvas
8" x 10"

Carmen Sandiego
Painted during my first group paint session with strangers
Acrylic on Canvas
16" x 20"

The Blue Girl
Marker on Flat Canvas
It was small. I can't remember the size.

Happy St. Patty's Day
I stayed in on St. Patrick's Day and painted this
This is maybe a foot high and a hand wide