Friday, April 23, 2010

save me

Love is the greatest gift of all, 
and though I am worlds apart 
I can still feel it being sent across the ocean, 
traveling through the air, 
mixing in with the rain, 
filtering through the ground, 
releasing back into the sky 
and pouring straight into my heart for it to be sent back out again.
The truth is it will be what it will be.
The future is bright but ever-changing
And based upon my desires.
But my deepest longings speak for themselves
and are unvoiced.
They need no voice for that is what will be my fate.
My underlying fate, my path and my destination. 
There need be no words.
I have always known what it's meant to me...
I have always know you loved me. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Can you imagine?

What of those days ahead?
Will it just be a dream... a dream..
Was it all what it could seem
You and me, you and me.

If ever you wanted me, you could have me. 
Though I think independently,
I still feel, I still feel. 
And I know we could make it work
Though this distance is absurd, absurd. 

Reality sinks in.. I know I will miss your face
So close to mine, your heart has it's place
In my hand, in my hand...
But when we depart, will Life understand, understand. 

These melancholy songs, 
The haze around me, the words I sing along
But will it all seem wrong in the end, in the end.
How will it end with you, 
My lover, my best friend.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's official

Just yesterday I watched a bit of this documentary on the American Society of Cinematographers and really first caught of glimpse Vittorio Storaro. My new hero, amongst many other talented individuals, most who are yet to be famous. It's inspiring to be surrounded my creativity constantly and I realized just yesterday this is where I want to be. This is everything I wanted. Everything just a year before that I wrote down as my dream job and posted on my fridge. The letter which I wrote to myself about wanting to be creative, to have adventure, to gain experiences, to be surrounded by positive, creative individuals and to have the opportunity to work beside them.. to inspire others and be inspired.... that letter which I wrote to myself and signed, is the exact replica of my life right now. I made this happen for myself because I wanted it and I wanted it bad... the funny thing is, I've been here for 3 months and up until now, I never knew I wanted it or knew I had it right in front of me. This is my focus. Film-making and everything to do with it is where I want to remain. At least for now. At least for as long as I am able.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Balloons on Beaches
Bohol, Philippines 2010

Tiki Huts Fill the Sky
Bohol, Philippines 2010

Chocolate Covered Starfish
Bohol, Philippines 2010