Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Kids of the Islands

Island Inhabitants

Dinner time

Hats for Sale

Don't be pathetic

I am not so sure. 
These characters that I play become entangled into one.
I wear these glasses to cover up my eyes. 
I wear the other kind so I am not blind.
Who says this is how you're supposed to be? 
Why are we victimized by society?
No one is impressed. 
No one cares how you dress. 
No one knows that your life is a mess.
But you. You are the only one who defines just the way you are.
Yet, we are here to show the world just who we are. 
Oh, but we silly creatures.. we take ourselves so seriously.
Fools, how we are when life is just a game. 
Come find me with my silly little scarf. I can wear it so well.
I can wear many faces if I so choose 
Because I have decided I can be whomever.
If I am silly enough to believe myself in all my seriousness, 
Then I am silly enough to play the game. I dress up for me. 
And it is you that cares. Because you are just as silly. 
So don't be pathetic, quit lying to yourself.
You have no idea where you are going, just like the rest of us.
Let us then, simply enjoy our own stupidity together. 
Our own stupid, serious, silly little game of dress up and chase the rainbow.
We can only go as far as then, now and tomorrow. 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A tribute to Spring

My how wonderful you are
Bringing back the blossoms
Filling my ears with musical melodies from the sky
Melting the snow
Breathing in the high of Life
We once lay so dormant
I can't describe this stir I feel
Even though I am in a place
where Summer remains
And the months mold into one another
I close my eyes and you surround me
The coolness of your breath
The freshness of the air you bring
It's quite lovely
I'm so lucky to know this feeling
And even though it's beautiful here for so many reasons
I really, truly miss the changing of seasons
I miss you my dear
But kiss those near to you
Allow them to appreciate your touch
Allow them to bathe in your embrace
But save some, please
For me
Because I will return to you
Because I will never forget you
My dear Spring
How I miss you.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

If I were in love, I would fuck it up

Don't let the dress fool you
I don't love you less
Just because my heart is in my throat
And my thoughts are a mess
I try to do good things for us
But most days I get confused
I refuse to believe
You're gone for good
But then again, maybe you should
 As the colours switch to shades of grey
I realize my mistake
I never wanted it this way
But that was the chance I had to take
I love you darling
Can you feel my love across the seas?
Maybe one day the wind will blow
And bring you back to me. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The City of Nostalgia

The truth is I will always remember.
These simple symbols
represent so many memories.
So many moments I love.
And you have packaged it and sent it
high above the ocean, way across the seas
Just so I could remember.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Gates of Paradise are guarded
A symbol of immortality
when your flesh does not decay
Your feathers are an annual reminder
Renewal, resurrection, rebirth, 
the stars and the sky,
the evil eye
The all seeing.
Your gold and blue collide
so magestically

Thursday, March 4, 2010

heaven really is on earth

Since the last weekend has passed, I have just been experiencing more beauty and love to touch my heart and my soul. I have seen first hand what team work is, what collaboration is, what smooth, efficient productivity is. What passion is. We have created art, we have made concepts come to life and we have done it all on our own time. And we know there is much, much, much more to come. Life is an experience.

Life is beautiful. Especially when you're out in the middle of the ocean, paddling away from a quaint island full of life, and watching as the sun sets below the sparkling, fiery ocean. A weekend of creative production that ends with a full moon rising at your front and a gorgeous sunset at your back. The feeling of coasting along the waves, feeling as they splash your skin with the wind in your hair, a clear, open starry sky above you and amazingly talented friends at your back. How can this not be heaven on earth? 

I am making my own heaven by surrounding myself in everything that inspires me and everything that drives me.