Thursday, December 31, 2009

Today is the day...

Over the pacific ocean I go. Happy New Year Western World.

Here's a little farewell clip from me to you!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

DLG has a YouTube Channel!

Oh and just in case you want to know what I`m up to on the islands, you may visit me at:

D.L.G`s YouTube Channel

or just keep following my blogs!

Have a wonderful holiday season and all the happiness to you in the new year!!!

the finishing touches...

2 days left here before I make my way across the Pacific Ocean to the islands of the Philippines. I will be flying towards the ring of fire with a mind as open and flowing as water. 

If everyone were in a constant state of large changes and moving and packing, everyone would almost always know exactly just what they have to miss. I have a list in my head of everything that is important and significant to me. What I know will hurt to miss but that I am so grateful to have that I could even miss it in the first place. 

Also in this state comes the realization of just how many unnecessary items I possess. Even though I probably have little in terms of what is average here in Ottawa but more in terms of the majority of the world. There are more living in want than in plenty and I have plenty. Plenty, plenty, plenty.. and sometimes it makes me sick when people don`t even take the time to love and cherish the gifts they receive before moving on to the next unopened gift greedily wanting more. 

Sigh. Sometimes this... being-able-to-see-both-sides-of-the-fence-and-know-the-grass-isn`t-greener-but-is-only-a-different-shade business is a little tormenting. 

Regardless of what my insides are doing, my bags are packed, the boxes are stacked, the food is eaten, last minute errands are done (I think), just a few finishing touches and I`m ready to go.

So long winter. Hello sun.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The end of the year is near...

And it's only new beginnings from here. I am completely uncertain of what exactly my path is but today I have promised myself my newest resolution: to have courage. I will liberate myself of my fears that I am not good enough, that I don't deserve and that I am not going to get ahead in life. I refuse to believe in that anymore and I will continue only to have positive affirmations for myself. I am good enough. I am good at what I do and I will get better. I will continue to learn and expand and I will receive what I am worth because I do deserve it. I will advance further than I imagined in life and I will achieve my deepest desires, or at least try because I no longer am afraid to put myself out there. I will go out on a limb, I will experience that which is good for me and that which I need in order to become the person I want to become. I will travel to the other side of the world in search for all that is right and all that is good and I will plant myself in the middle of all that is beautiful. I will love myself and accept myself and no matter what I believed in the past, I know I will be ok. I let go of any limitations and beliefs that hold me back and I will claim my share of all the abundance that the Universe has to offer. I am already wealthy beyond belief and I will be unafraid to accept everything about me, as well as all the good that comes my way. I know life is unbelievably wonderful and all that I wish is within my reach. This is a new year. I may not be a new person in all aspects, but I am nurturing that light which shines in me by letting go of all the negativity I hold in myself. It is never too late and I have all the time in the world available to me. I can do anything and I am doing so with courage.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Winter magic is remarkable. The feel of your board cutting through snow like butter as you float over top of it, and the wet flakes fall all around you in a simultaneous but random pattern. The quietness of everything around you, the silence of the trees and the calm of the air, puts you in a peaceful state of mind. This is all you need in life, at this moment it is pure contentment. When the snow blankets the earth, everyone sort of goes into a frenzy. It means certain things. It means that Christmas is coming. It means they've forgotten to put on snow tires. It means that the end of the year is here. It means that everything is dying but everything will come back to life again. It means that it's time to strap in that snowboarding gear and get on the hill before I leave for sand and sun. It means that change is coming and it means that we have aged. And although it is ever so much fun to complain about the snow (insert sarcasm) we must remember one thing: It will pass and the cycle will repeat itself. So, enjoy it. Find pleasure in everything to do with winter. Make up reasons why it's your favourite season and simply play and have fun. Have fun.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Wrinkled sheets

It's 5am and I can't sleep. This is what happens when you go to bed at 9pm.I work in a few hours and have yet to go back to bed. I wish I could sleep all day, but today is busier than ever. My head is full of garbage. I haven't been to yoga in a month and I think I really need to go, but there seems to be more to do before I go than ever. Yes, I gave my notice. Yes, I'll be in the Philippines in a month. Yes, I'm excited. Yes, I am terrified. Yes, I have all these ideas. Yes, I need to implement them. Yes, I know I can do all of them. Yes, I will miss my best friends, my partners, my bed, my cat, my apartment, my independence. Yes, I am thrilled. Yes, I will be back. When... I just don't know yet. The end of the year is near, and it's only new beginnings from here.